CCA’s HFS (Hillside Family Shelter) provides emergency housing to families experiencing homelessness. Two parent and single male/female headed households, along with their children, can live securely in one of the 17 furnished HFS apartment style housing, and be treated with dignity and respect.
Families are referred to HFS by the Coordinated Access Network, and are assigned to a CCA Family Coach. The Family Coaches work with the heads of households to address their barriers to housing – income, employment, health, childcare/education – to help them secure permanent housing as quickly as possible.

New HOPE Housing Program
CCA’s New HOPE (Higher Opportunities, Purpose, and Expectations) Housing Program is a Moving to Work program in partnership with Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven. It provides apartments for families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness for 24-36 months. Families are referred to CCA’s New HOPE by their service providers.
New HOPE focuses on heads of households creating and following a plan to improve their skills, find employment, and prepare for a more self-sufficient life for themselves and their children. A CCA Family Coach works with each family to assist them in making sustained progress towards independence.
New HOPE is now accepting provider referrals for the program. New HOPE does not accept self-referrals. Please review the eligibility criteria listed in the referral packet closely before submitting a family for consideration. The referring case manager, social worker or counselor must submit the completed referral packet by email to Shellina Toure, Director of Housing Services, All referrals will be dated and time stamped upon receipt. They will then be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis.
ARISE Center
The ARISE (Accessing Resources for Independence, Skill-Building and Employment) Center was established in 2015 as an expansion of CCA’s commitment to make lasting differences in the lives of people – to help them break the cycle of poverty. The ARISE Center is available to anyone in the Hill section of New Haven, located near CCA’s main office at 158 Davenport Avenue, in the heart of the Hill neighborhood.
The purpose and practices of ARISE focus on promoting the value, dignity, health, and wellness of each person. To meet their varied needs, ARISE has built a network of partnerships with other family-oriented agencies in New Haven to effectively coordinate delivery of services. ARISE increases the connection between the people receiving services and the organizations providing them, builds trust in community services, and creates a system that improves personal and family-focused outcomes.

Emergency Services
Emergency services include food, utilities and heating, and referrals to other services that can address a family’s basic needs.
The Client Choice Food Pantry provides a monthly bag of food to low-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. In 2022, it provided 1,640 bags of food. The Food Pantry is open, by appointment, Monday-Wednesday, 9:30-4:00 pm. CCA also provides a Thanksgiving food basket every year for those in the Hill section of New Haven. CCA offers utility assistance through the CT Energy Assistance Program and Operation Fuel on a seasonal basis.
A proud partner of the Diaper Bank of Connecticut, families can obtain diapers and incontinence products.
Short-term motel placement may also be available to families experiencing homelessness in New Haven. CCA receives referrals and inquiries through the Greater New Haven 2-1-1 system.

Advocacy and Education Project (AEP)
AEP seeks to fulfill CCA’s commitment to change systems that perpetuate poverty and injustice. It works to ensure that people are empowered to use their voice and experiences to make changes in public policy.
CCA has a three-pronged approach to its advocacy: First, from the people who have received services but still have barriers to independence. Second, program data and service information that document gaps in services. And third, the people’s stories and experiences together with data help us advocate for necessary policy changes on local and state levels to ultimately improve quality of life and create a pathway to independence.
Mothers and Others for Justice (MOFJ)
MOFJ is a grassroots component of AEP. Founded in 1993 as Mothers for Justice by women seeking to influence welfare reform efforts, by 2018 the group included members who were not mothers and its name was revised to reflect all its members committed to social, economic and racial justice.
Members use their individual and collective voices, based on experiences, to influence state and local policy and decision makers to implement solutions that help people to become self-sufficient. Their participation is transformative, with many returning to school, serving their communities, working on political campaigns, or running for office. Issues being addressed by MOFJ include: affordable housing, safe communities, and quality healthcare for all Connecticut residents, spearheaded by HEALTH (Helping Everyone Achieve Lifelong Trusted Healthcare).
For more information, email Merryl Eaton, the Director of Advocacy and Education Project,